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[Logo Image] West Pennine Motorsport Products

Terms and Conditions

All prices,descriptions and illustrations, are in the best of our knowledge, correct at
the time of publication of this catalogue.
However due to circumstances beyond our control, sometimes we have to make
changes to the specification of certain products.For example the colour of a bush or
the finish of a bracket.These changes however will usually be for the better if at all.
We reserve the right to supply you with an EQUIVALENT OR BETTER product
than that described or pictured.

None of the above affects your statutary rights.

All Errors and Ommissions Excepted ( E&OE)

West Pennine Motorsport

PO Box 107
Oldham OL2 6FJ
Lancs. England
Telephone: (+44) (0)1706 290768
Fax: (+44) (0)1706 290768
E-Mail: sales@wpm.co.uk