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Alloy Products

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Clutch Footrests Navigators Footrests Touring Car Style Gearknobs Anodised Grille Buttons Coil Covers
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Radiator Caps With Anodised Covers 1½ SU(HS4) Dashpot Covers Mk3 Style Alloy Gearknobs Cooper Badged Gearknobs Alloy Pedals
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Mk1 Style Gearknobs Alloy Coil Clamps Alloy Handle Set 1¼ SU(HS2) Dashpot Covers HIF6/38/44 SU Dashpot Covers
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West Pennine Motorsport

PO Box 107
Oldham OL2 6FJ
Lancs. England
Telephone: (+44) (0)1706 290768
Fax: (+44) (0)1706 290768
E-Mail: sales@wpm.co.uk